Family postcards 1913 - 1917, page 5
According to Chris McCarthy’s book such an incident took place on 18th August 1916. This entry is reproduced below:
Friday 18th August. Temperature 70° F; overcast (1mm rain). III Corps, 1st Division.
Zero hour was at 2.45pm.
Two companies of 1st Loyal North Lancs (2 Brigade) attacked. The right company went too soon and walked into the British barrage and was practically wiped out.
This action took place north of Bazentia le Pt, south of Martinpuich, west of High Wood. High Wood lays some 1500 yards north-west of Delville Wood.
Card 10
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. “Song Greeting” Series No. 4899/2. Printed in England.
To Edward possibly from Isabella dated June 30th 1916, written in pencil and very faded.
Dear Ted.
I have just got your express letter and cards this morning. You see there is a door leading into the umbrella department and the footman must have locked them behind that door and was ###### was cleaning the shop and ##### them.
They do not clean it every week and that is why they were not found #####. I only missed once not handing you cigarettes and the ### week I sent two (scribbled out word) boxes. What more can I do on any bit. I have a box of tea tablets to send you but could not (the next few lines are not legible).
All text in bold is partially legible all ## means not legible.
Card 11
Words by permission of Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, Ltd., Music Publishers, 10 Mortimer Street, London, W. Valentines Series 4233. British Manufacture.
From Edward to Isabelle, no date but was composed during training giving a time frame of July or early August 1916.Dear Wife
Just a line hoping you are in good health also baby. I am in the pink of health myself, I have a letter of your mother and she is alright, our Ernest is in the trenches. He went in on Thursday, we may be warned anytime now. Hoping you are suited to this card. No more at present from your loving hubby Edaward Culling. Xxxxxxxxxx.
No 23935, 3 L N L, Hut 25, E Company, Felixstowe, Suffolk.
In the top right corner he has written: Do not to forget to send me some fags.
In the bottom left:
Give Maggie these fag cards
from Ed C.
“Art and Humour” Publishing Co., 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. The “A & H” “Message” Series. No 211. British Manufacture.
From Edward to Isabelle dated July 27th 1916.
Pte E Culling
E Company Hut 25
3 LNL Felixstowe
Dear Wife
Just a line to thank you for this card. I would like to keep it but I cannot, it would only get torn or someone steal it so I am sending it back with thanks please send me some fags for I have none. Next week you can send me a parcel for I might not get any more from you. I might have to go out to France about next Friday we do not know we get warned one day and on to France the next day or I might be hear a month.
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. “Songs” Series No. 4900/1. Printed in England.
To Ted from Isabelle, undated.
69b Newhall Lane, Preston. Saturday.Dear Ted,
I have sent a parcel off today and when you lift the paper off the top there is some soap wrapped and I would love to come to Felixstowe very much but I made enquiries at the station and found it would cost one pound and four pence to go changing at Rugby, Peterbourough and twenty four (shillings?) and ninepence to go by London and then I would have to change to get to London and then go right across town to get a train to Felixstowe. I think it would be a fortnight befor I could get enough money to come. It would be better for me if I could come. I will make a big effort to come. Will send money and stamps on Monday have only got a halfpenny left.
Love from Isa, mum, baby xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Card 14
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. Series No. 4857/1. Printed in England.
Undated card from Edward to Isabelle written in pencil.
Dear Isa
Do write oftener with best love for you and the baby.
From your loving hubbby.
E Culling
Card 15
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. “Songs” Series No. 4900/1. Printed in England.
A card from Isabelle to Edward, undated. “Dear Ted” is in pencil, the rest of the text is in ink.
Monday Morning. 69b Newhall Lane, Preston.Dear Ted
I will write tonight when I get some paper. I was not going to send you the cigarettes till you sent me a desent letter. I will send them today. I do hope you get your discharge though it will take a lot of money to keep us. The thought of you going to France is a load on my heart. Baby is cutting a double tooth and it is nearly through. She is bigger and fatter than ever, you would hardly know her Ted. I would like to see the letter that you received, if you were anything like a man you would make the writer sit up. If you don’t I will.
Card 16
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. “Songs” Series No. 4900/3. Printed in England.
A card to Edward from Isabelle, undated.
Tuesday Morning.Dear Ted.
I am sending you a parcel, see that you get it. I have sent you two cage birds and three comics. You did not tell me that Ernest was coming once on leave. The woman opposite your mothers told me that he came over on Saturday and stays till Thursday. Did you not know. Your mother is telling everybody that you would never have gone away but for me and that you have never written to me since you went. There is last weeks cigarettes and this weeks. I hope will be pleased I can do no more.
From Isa,
Xxxxxxx from baby,
Card 17
Bamforth & Co .. Ltd. Publishers, Holmfirth (England) and New York. “Songs” Series No. 4899/1. Printed in England.
A card unsigned and undated but from the text appears to be from Isabelle to Edward. The text is scrawled in pencil and difficult to transcribe.
I am that miserable and ill that people are beginning they always ask me if I am tired but its not bodily tired. It is worry of the mind trying ####. I ### best(!) ### my bible, and send you a parcel and still put a bit of #### in baby and #####. I only get nice letters when I send you a parcel and when I can afford one I get different ones. Your people are turning you against me, they have tried a long time and I am afraid they will sway, seeing (if) that you are all against. Don’t believe what they write. Isa
The content of the text especially towards the end of the card seems disjointed probably reflecting the anxiety Isabelle is feeling at the time of her writing the card. All symbols ## represents illegible text.
Card 18
A French postcard, no printers name just ‘ CARTE POSTALE’ J.J(torn at this point) Paris (Marque déposé).
Possibly the only card from Edward after being drafted to France, almost certainly en route to the Somme. Dated August 12th 1916.Just a line to let you know I am in the pink please send me a book to read & my parcle is done do not forget that I have change my hut to 24 I am warned for a draught at the end of this month with best love to you and Eva from your loving hubby.
E Culling
To both of you.
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